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Mississippi News Video

Focused on Mississippi: Pottery grave markers



www.youtube.com – – 2023-10-09 12:50:43

SUMMARY: During a from Amsterdam to Sweden, the author meets Irene Osborne, who tells him about her grandfather, WD Suggs, a Mississippi Potter from Smithville. Suggs is known for using the Lloyd patent to create unique cemetery markers with gray salt glaze and cobalt blue lettering. These markers were affordable alternatives to traditional headstones in a time when money was scarce. Irene and her cousin can recognize their grandfather's markers by the shade of blue he used. The author reflects on the beauty of Europe but also appreciates learning about the simple dignity of Mississippi's pottery markers.



Mississippi News Video

One-on-one with Tate Taylor



www.youtube.com – – 2024-06-13 10:21:57

SUMMARY: Walt Grayson and Ken South are to Natchez for “Your Hometown.” In Jefferson County's Church Hill, Walt met Hollywood director Tate Taylor, known for “The ” and “Get on Up.” Taylor is fostering the film industry in Natchez, liking its community vibe and history, Christ Episcopal Church and Wagner's grocery, now a . Taylor opened Churchill Variety, a gourmet store, valuing small community over Los Angeles. He enjoys Mississippi's unique culture and is locals for the film industry. Taylor has filmed multiple movies in Mississippi, finding community and local talent valuable.

at 9


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Mississippi News Video

Dog Walk Forecast for June 13th – Hugo



www.youtube.com – WTVA 9 – 2024-06-13 09:04:20

SUMMARY: The dog walk from Happy Hollow predicts warm temperatures climbing to the upper 80s and low 90s . Be cautious of hot pavement that could affect your dog's paws. This warmth will extend into the . Today's dog of the day, Hugo, is waiting patiently, and it's advisable to spend time outside in the morning when it's still cool. The temperature will increase as the day progresses.

Sunshine continues as temperatures warm up towards the weekend.


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Mississippi News Video

Outdoor Adventures with Chelsea: Cardboard Boat Regatta



www.youtube.com – WTVA 9 – 2024-06-13 09:02:55

SUMMARY: At Tom Big B Park, people gathered for the first cardboard boat race, with attendees building boats using only cardboard and duct tape. The aimed to encourage park utilization and showcase its offerings. Ten teams participated, and the boats were judged on floatability, aiming for “Best in Show,” “First to Finish,” and the “Titanic Award” for the best sink. Most boats sank shortly after launch, with only two completing the course. Chelsea, from Outdoor Adventures, also built a boat, but it sank quickly. The amusing and community-centered event brought fun and attention to the park's resources.

Ten teams participated in the first Cardboard Boat Regatta this past at Tombigbee State Park.


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