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Epidemic: What Good Is a Vaccine When There Is No Rice?



Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:00:00 +0000

The 1970s was the deadliest decade in the “entire history of Bangladesh,” said environmental historian Iftekhar Iqbal. A deadly cyclone, a bloody liberation war, and famine triggered waves of migration. As people moved throughout the country, smallpox spread with them. 


In Episode 7 of “Eradicating Smallpox,” Shohrab, a man who was displaced by the 1970 Bhola cyclone, shares his story. After fleeing the storm, he and his settled in a makeshift community in Dhaka known as the Bhola basti. Smallpox was circulating there, but the deadly virus was not top of mind for Shohrab. “I wasn't thinking about that. I was more focused on issues like where would I work, what would I eat,” he said in Bengali. 

When people's basic needs — like food and housing — aren't met, it's harder to reach public goals, said Bangladeshi smallpox eradication worker Shahidul Haq Khan. 

He encountered that obstacle frequently as he traveled from community to community in southern Bangladesh. 

He said people asked him: “There's no rice in people's stomachs, so what is a vaccine going to do?” 


To conclude this episode, host Céline Gounder speaks with Sam Tsemberis, president and CEO of Pathways Housing First Institute. 

He said when public health meets people's basic needs first, it gives them the best shot at health. 

The Host:

Céline Gounder
Senior Fellow & Editor-at-Large for Public Health, KFF Health News



Read Céline's stories

Céline is senior fellow and editor-at-large for public health with KFF Health News. She is an infectious diseases physician and epidemiologist. She was an assistant commissioner of health in New York . Between 1998 and 2012, she studied tuberculosis and HIV in South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Brazil. Gounder also served on the Biden-Harris Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board. 

In Conversation With Céline Gounder:

Sam Tsemberis
Founder, president, and CEO of Pathways Housing First Institute



Voices From the Episode:

Resident of the Bhola basti in Dhaka

Iftekhar Iqbal
Associate professor of history at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Shahidul Haq Khan
Former World Health Organization smallpox eradication program worker in Bangladesh

Click to open the transcript


Transcript: What Good Is a Vaccine When There Is No Rice?

Podcast Transcript 

Epidemic: “Eradicating Smallpox” 

Season 2, Episode 7: What Good Is a Vaccine When There Is No Rice? 


Air date: Oct 24, 2023 

Editor's note: If you are able, we encourage you to listen to the audio of “Epidemic,” which includes emotion and emphasis not found in the transcript. This transcript, generated using transcription software, has been edited for style and clarity. Please use the transcript as a tool but check the corresponding audio before quoting the podcast. 

[Ambient sounds from a ferry play softly.] 

Céline Gounder: I'm on a boat in southern Bangladesh, headed toward Bhola, the country's largest island. 


We're traveling by ferry on calm waters. But my head spins — and my stomach roils just a bit — as I imagine how these same waters nearly destroyed Bhola Island. 

[Tense instrumental music begins playing.] 

It was 1970. 

In November, under an almost-full moon and unusually high tides. 


The island was hit by one of the most destructive tropical storms in modern history: the Bhola cyclone. 

[Shohrab speaking in Bengali fades under English translation.] 

Shohrab: There were floods. Back then there weren't any embankments to stop the water from rising. 

Céline Gounder: Counterclockwise winds, torrential rains, and treacherous waves swept entire villages into the sea. People held onto whatever they could to keep their heads above water. 


[Shohrab speaking in Bengali fades under English translation.] 

Shohrab: I remember at that time the water level rose so high that people ended up on top of trees. The water had so much force. Many people died. 

Céline Gounder: The Bhola cyclone killed some 300,000 people. And for those who survived, there wasn't much left to return to. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes, their farms, and their access to food. 

The man whose voice you've been hearing was one of the survivors. 


[Shohrab speaking in Bengali fades under English translation.] 

Shohrab: My name is Shohrab. I am 70 years old. 

Céline Gounder: Shohrab was a teenager when the cyclone hit. And in the days and weeks after the storm, he and his family joined a mass migration of people who fled southern Bangladesh. 

They traveled about a hundred miles north from Bhola Island to the streets of Dhaka, the busy capital of Bangladesh. 


There, they settled in a makeshift community, a kind of unsanctioned encampment dubbed the Bhola basti. 

In Bengali that word,“basti,” means settlement — or “slum,” in some translations. 

The forged a community, but soon, the poor people there — and what they built — would be seen as a threat to the effort to keep smallpox in check. 

Not just in South Asia — but around the world. 


I'm Dr. Céline Gounder. This is “Epidemic.” 

[“Epidemic” theme music plays.] 

[Ambient sounds from the Bhola basti, including voices of people speaking Bengali, play softly.] 

Céline Gounder: More than 50 years after the cyclone, Shohrab lives in the same area in Dhaka. 


I interviewed him at a tea stall near his home. It's the kind of place where men gather to gossip and share stories over hot drinks. 

Inside there's a colorful display of snacks and sweets hanging from the ceiling. Just outside we sat on well-worn wooden benches. 

And as we sip our tea, he tells me about life in the encampment in the 1970s … 

[Sparse music plays softly.] 


[Shohrab speaking in Bengali fades under English translation.] 

Shohrab: I used to rent a place there. Five or six of us used to live in one room. Sometimes it was eight people in a room. 

Céline Gounder: To cover his portion of the rent he worked as a day laborer, doing odd jobs here and there. Over time the basti became home. 

But Shohrab's new home was likely seen as an eyesore by outsiders — and by the Bangladeshi government. 


Such settlements often lack running water, or electricity, or access to proper sanitation. Those conditions spotlight suffering — and for local leaders that spotlight can be uncomfortable. 

But, public health experts had a different concern: that the settlement of Bhola migrants in Dhaka would become a deadly stronghold for smallopox. Cramped and unsanitary living conditions put the residents at high risk. 

I ask Shohrab if he remembers seeing or hearing about people with smallpox when he first arrived. 

[Shohrab speaking in Bengali fades under English translation.] 


Shohrab: I wasn't thinking about that. I was more focused on issues like where would I work, what would I eat, etc. 

Céline Gounder: As he tried to rebuild his life, other things — like food and shelter — were more urgent. 

[Music fades to silence.] 

Widening beyond that one migrant encampment in Dhaka, researchers say the picture was similar in cities and villages all across the country. 


Bangladesh was hit with a series of crises. Environmental historian Iftekhar Iqbal says each brought human suffering — and that each was a blow to the smallpox eradication effort. 

Iftekhar Iqbal: Seventies was really a time when, the coming of the smallpox couldn't come at a, at a more unfortunate time. 

Céline Gounder: In 1970 the Bhola cyclone hit. In 1971, just four months later, the country fought a bloody liberation war. Then, in 1974, heavy rain and flooding triggered a famine. And in 1975 there was a military coup. 

Iftekhar Iqbal: The 1970s was the deadliest decade in the history of Bangladesh. 


Céline Gounder: This period is when the country became Bangladesh — winning its independence from Pakistan in the liberation war. But residents of the young nation cascading upheaval and turmoil. And too much

[Instrumental music plays softly.] 

On the global stage stopping smallpox was important, but many in Bangladesh were just trying to make it to the next day. 

Daniel Tarantola: No. 1 priority is food and food and food. And the second priority is food and food and food. 


This was an area where survival was always in question. 

Céline Gounder: That's Daniel Tarantola. 

He's from France and arrived in the region with the mission of helping to eradicate smallpox, but he says the people in front of him needed help with many other things. 

Besides hunger, some of the villages he visited were dealing with two epidemics: smallpox and cholera. 


Daniel Tarantola: And we were not equipped to do anything but smallpox containment and smallpox eradication. By design or by necessity, we didn't have the means to do anything much more than that. 

Céline Gounder: Over the course of this season we've talked about big, complicated issues — like stigma and bias, distrust, or First World arrogance — that threatened to derail the smallpox eradication campaign. We've documented the public health workers who found a way around those roadblocks. 

But sometimes the need is so big, so entrenched, that your inability to meet it can be demoralizing. I sometimes felt that during my own fieldwork: battling HIV and tuberculosis in Brazil and southern Africa, and during an Ebola outbreak in Guinea, West Africa. 

Daniel Tarantola says in South Asia the best he could do was focus on the task at hand. 


Daniel Tarantola: Meaning that you had to set up a program to eradicate smallpox or at least eliminate it from Bangladesh and at the same time not get … if I can use the word distracted, um, by other issues that prevailed in Bangladesh. 

[Music fades out.] 

Céline Gounder: Those were tough emotional realities for health workers and the people they wanted to care for. 

But … 


Daniel Tarantola: The level of resilience of this population is absolutely incredible given the number of challenges that they have had to survive. 

Céline Gounder: One of the main ways people survived the upheaval in Bangladesh was by picking up and moving away from the things trying to kill them. 

Remember how Shohrab fled to Dhaka after the cyclone? 

Well, mass migration is a survival strategy — but one that can worsen disease. 


When the cyclone refugees from Bhola landed in that under-resourced basti in Dhaka, all smallpox needed was an opportunity to spread. 

[Solemn music begins playing.] 

That opportunity came in 1975 when the Bangladeshi government decided to bulldoze the Bhola basti. 

Daniel Tarantola says it was a bad idea. 


Daniel Tarantola: We knew there was smallpox transmission in this particular area and therefore they should wait until the outbreak subsides before dismantling the shanties. 

Céline Gounder: Government did not wait for the outbreak to subside. They bulldozed the basti anyway. 

Daniel Tarantola: That resulted in a wide spread of smallpox. 

Céline Gounder: Here's environmental historian Iftekhar Iqbal again. 


Iftekhar Iqbal: This eviction is considered one of the policy errors that led to the second wave of postwar smallpox. 

Céline Gounder: In the wake of that eviction in 1975, thousands of people scattered. Some surely returned back home to Bhola. 

[Music fades out.] 

Céline Gounder: Public health's failure — the government's failure — to meet the basic need for safety, for food and housing, delayed the goal to stop the virus. 


Shahidul Haq Khan, the Bangladeshi public health worker and granddad we met in Episode 4, says he learned that lesson over and over as he urged people to accept the smallpox vaccination. 

Their frustration with him — and by extension public health — was clear. 

[Shahidul speaking in Bengali fades under English translation.] 

Shahidul Haq Khan: There was no rice in people's stomachs, so what is a vaccine going to do? “You couldn't bring rice? Why did you bring all this stuff?” That was the type of situation we had to deal with. 


[Atmospheric music begins playing.

Céline Gounder: What good is a vaccine when there is no rice? 

Next up, I speak with Sam Tsemberis, founder of Pathways Housing First Institute. It's an organization that advocates for meeting people's basic needs first, so they'll have the best shot at health. 

But in the beginning, he found out convincing institutions was easier said than done: 


Sam Tsemberis: I try to explain this rationale that I'm telling you, like people need housing first and then services. The hospital is like, “No, no, we're in the hospital business. We're not in the housing business.” 

Céline Gounder: That's after the break. 

[Music fades to silence.

Céline Gounder: One of my mentors was Dr. Paul Farmer, the legendary doctor and anthropologist whose work in Haiti was documented by Tracy Kidder in the book “Mountains Beyond Mountains.” Paul always pushed us to look beyond the symptoms to root causes. It's a lesson we keep having to learn in public health again and again. 


Sam Tsemberis is one of the first to apply it to homelessness. He's the CEO of a nonprofit called the Pathways Housing First Institute. The organization promotes a model of addressing homelessness that begins with putting people into housing. 

That idea seems pretty obvious. But back when Sam first started working on homelessness — in New York City in the 1980s — the prevailing model was more like a staircase. People had to work their way up to show they were ready for, or even worthy of, housing. 

Sam Tsemberis: If you showed up applying for housing, you had to acknowledge you had a mental illness, you had to demonstrate that you were taking medication, and that you understood why you were taking medication. And you also had to have — if you had any history of alcohol or substance use, you also had to demonstrate a period of sobriety. 

It was a very tough regimen to get into housing. 


Céline Gounder: Sam said he quickly realized that wasn't working, even though it was the only approach at the time. 

Sam Tsemberis: I was working very hard to help people navigate that. I was doing street outreach. So, “Come come to the shelter, come to the hospital, come to a treatment program, a drop-in center,” hoping that they would engage and successfully make it up the stairs and get housing eventually. 

And what began to emerge was that even if people were willing to take the first step — let's say go to detox or go to the hospital — far too many people ended up returning to the street, which was, which was a signal that, you know, something was wrong with this system. It's like, why are people falling back? 

And the stories on the street were compelling. You know, people would say, “No, I don't need to go to detox. What I need is a safe place to stay.” 


Or, “Yeah, I've been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but … you know, and I still hear voices, but I don't pay attention to them. Right now, I'm just cold, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I need a place to be safe. I need to go inside. That's what I need first.” 

And the repeated pleas for safety, security, a place to call home, from people that had tried and failed and tried and failed that staircase system is what compelled me to, you know, try something different, because what we were doing wasn't working. And that's when we started this housing-first approach. 

Céline Gounder: Can you explain: What is that, and what's its impact? 

Sam Tsemberis: Housing-first is the answer to a question that we ask people. “OK, what is it that you want?” And people would inevitably say, “I want a place to live, isn't it obvious?” 


So our job as providers, then, was to figure out a way to have a program that we can get money for rent, and money for case management services, and give people who had previously no opportunity to get into housing on their own terms, and also offer the kind of clinical or social or emotional that's needed after people get housed. 

Céline Gounder: So how did you pilot or how did you jump-start this effort? What did that look like? 

Sam Tsemberis: So we ended up having to start our own nonprofit agency, apply for a grant, and we, with fingers crossed, we started to take people that were actively using and in some cases actively symptomatic and put them into apartments of their own and visit them a lot, not knowing how it would turn out. 

What we found, much to our shock and surprise, very pleasant surprise, is that 85% of the people we housed, even in that first year, remained housed. And we thought, well, you know, we're onto something here. 


Céline Gounder: So instead of insisting that people be treated for addiction and mental health issues before they got into housing, you gave them housing first. And that was really sort of the measure of success. 

Sam Tsemberis: Yes. 

Céline Gounder: How successful was the program in treating addiction and mental health? 

Sam Tsemberis: The addiction and mental health treatment outcomes were modestly better for the housing-first group that didn't require to be in treatment. But you know, their treatment was no worse and a little better than the group that required treatment and sobriety. 


And there, a measure called the overall quality of life, you know, like, how happy are you with living in the community, with your contacts with relatives, and so on. The group that went into housing first had a significantly higher quality of life than the treatment-first group. 

Céline Gounder: So I know there are people out there who will say, Well, you didn't solve their addiction issue or their mental health issue; how is that a success? How would you respond to that criticism? 

Sam Tsemberis: This was never advertised as a program that cures addiction or cures mental illness. Recovery, in some ways, is not abstinence. Recovery, at least in the mental health business, is having a life in spite of your diagnosis. 

The main thing is you're no longer homeless. You know, you don't have to be on the street until you've cured your illness. Because if that was the case, people would likely die on the street before they cured their illness because we don't have cures for some of these illnesses. 


Céline Gounder: So, Sam, Dr. Paul Farmer was a mentor of mine, actually, over the course of my . And in Tracy Kidder's biography of Paul, there's a quote of one of Paul's colleagues, Haitian colleagues, who says that, “Giving people medicine for tuberculosis and not giving them food is like washing your hands and drying them in the dirt.” 

Sam Tsemberis: That is so on target for what all of these issues are about. I think of homelessness, actually, as a poorly named term for all of the systemic failures that people have faced in order to end up homeless. 

We need to get, you know, take care of the emergency, put everyone in housing, but that's sort of the beginning of the job. Then the real work starts to address the root causes that contribute and continue to increase the problem as opposed to just dealing with the symptom all the time. 

[“Epidemic” theme music begins playing.] 


Céline Gounder: Next time, on the series finale of “Epidemic: Eradicating Smallpox” … 

Rahima Banu. 

Redwan Ahmed: Rahima Banu. 

Daniel Tarantola: Rahima Banu. 


Iftekhar Iqbal: Rahima Banu. 

Larry Brilliant: The last case …  

Steve Jones: The last case …  

Alan Schnur: The last case of variola major smallpox. I think this time we've got it. 


Céline Gounder: “Eradicating Smallpox,” our latest season of “Epidemic,” is a co-production of KFF Health News and Just Human Productions. 

Additional support provided by the Sloan Foundation. 

This episode was produced by Taylor Cook, Zach Dyer, Bram Sable-Smith, and me. 

Saidu Tejan-Thomas Jr. was scriptwriter for the episode. 


Redwan Ahmed was our translator and local reporting partner in Bangladesh. 

Our managing editor is Taunya English. 

Oona Tempest is our graphics and photo editor. 

The show was engineered by Justin Gerrish. 


We had extra editing help from Simone Popperl. 

Voice acting by Susheel C. and Pinaki Kar. 

Music in this episode is from the Blue Dot Sessions and Soundstripe. 

We're powered and distributed by Simplecast. 


If you enjoyed the show, please tell a friend. And leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. It helps more people find the show. 

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And find me on X @celinegounder. On our socials, there's more about the ideas we're exploring on our podcasts. 

And subscribe to our newsletters at kffhealthnews.org so you'll never miss what's new and important in American health care, health policy, and public health news. 


I'm Dr. Céline Gounder. Thanks for listening to “Epidemic.” 

[“Epidemic” theme fades out.] 


Taunya English
Managing Editor



Taunya is senior editor for broadcast innovation with KFF Health News, where she leads enterprise audio projects.

Zach Dyer
Senior Producer


Zach is senior producer for audio with KFF Health News, where he supervises all levels of podcast production.


Taylor Cook
Associate Producer


Taylor is associate audio producer for Season 2 of Epidemic. She researches, writes, and fact-checks scripts for the podcast.

Oona Tempest
Photo Editing, Design, Logo Art



Oona is a digital producer and illustrator with KFF Health News. She researched, sourced, and curated the images for the season.

Additional Newsroom Support

Lydia Zuraw, digital producer Tarena Lofton, audience engagement producer Hannah Norman, visual producer and visual reporter Simone Popperl, broadcast editor Chaseedaw Giles, social media  Mary Agnes Carey, partnerships editor Damon Darlin, executive editor Terry Byrne, copy chief Chris Lee, senior communications officer 


Additional Reporting Support

Swagata Yadavar, translator and local reporting partner in IndiaRedwan Ahmed, translator and local reporting partner in Bangladesh

Epidemic is a co-production of KFF Health News and Just Human Productions.

To hear other KFF Health News podcasts, click here. Subscribe to Epidemic on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Pocket Casts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.


KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF—an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism. Learn more about KFF.


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Title: Epidemic: What Good Is a Vaccine When There Is No Rice?
Sourced From: kffhealthnews.org/news/podcast/epidemic-season-2-episode-7-what-good-is-a-vaccine/
Published Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:00:00 +0000

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Kaiser Health News

The Chicken and Egg Problem of Fighting Another Flu Pandemic



Arthur Allen
Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Even a peep of about a new flu pandemic is enough to set scientists clucking about eggs.

They worried about them in 2005, and in 2009, and they're worrying now. That's because millions of fertilized hen eggs are still the main ingredient in making vaccines that, hopefully, will protect people against the outbreak of a new flu strain.

“It's almost comical to be using a 1940s technology for a 21st-century pandemic,” said Rick Bright, who led the and Human Services Department's Biomedical Advanced Research and Authority (BARDA) during the Trump administration.


It's not so funny, he said, when the currently stockpiled formulation against the H5N1 bird flu virus requires two shots and a whopping 90 micrograms of antigen, yet provides just middling immunity. “For the U.S. alone, it would take hens laying 900,000 eggs every single day for nine months,” Bright said.

And that's only if the chickens don't get infected.

The spread of an avian flu virus has decimated flocks of birds (and killed barn cats and other mammals). Cattle in at least nine states and at least three people in the U.S. have been infected, enough to bring public health attention once again to the potential for a global pandemic.

As of May 30, the only confirmed human cases of infection were dairy workers in and Michigan, who experienced eye irritation. Two quickly recovered, while the third developed respiratory symptoms and was being treated with an antiviral drug at home. The virus's spread into multiple species over a vast geographic area, however, raises the threat that further mutations could create a virus that spreads from human to human through airborne transmission.


If they do, prevention starts with the egg.

To make raw material for an influenza vaccine, virus is grown in millions of fertilized eggs. Sometimes it doesn't grow well, or it mutates to a degree that the vaccine product stimulates antibodies that don't neutralize the virus — or the wild virus mutates to an extent that the vaccine doesn't work against it. And there's always the frightening prospect that wild birds could carry the virus into the henhouses needed in vaccine production.

“Once those roosters and hens go down, you have no vaccine,” Bright said.

Since 2009, when an H1N1 swine flu pandemic swept around the world before vaccine production could get off the ground, researchers and governments have been looking for alternatives. Billions of dollars have been invested into vaccines produced in mammalian and insect cell lines that don't pose the same risks as egg-based shots.


“Everyone knows the cell-based vaccines are better, more immunogenic, and offer better production,” said Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins 's Center for Health Security. “But they are handicapped because of the clout of egg-based manufacturing.”

The companies that make the cell-based influenza vaccines, CSL Seqirus and Sanofi, also have billions invested in egg-based production lines that they aren't eager to replace. And it's hard to blame them, said Nicole Lurie, HHS' assistant secretary for preparedness and response under President Barack Obama who is now an executive director of CEPI, the global epidemic-fighting nonprofit.

“Most vaccine companies that responded to an epidemic — Ebola, Zika, covid — ended up losing a lot of money on it,” Lurie said.

Exceptions were the mRNA vaccines created for covid, although even Pfizer and Moderna have had to destroy hundreds of millions of doses of unwanted vaccine as public interest waned.


Pfizer and Moderna are testing seasonal influenza vaccines made with mRNA, and the is soliciting bids for mRNA pandemic flu vaccines, said David Boucher, director of infectious disease preparedness at HHS' Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response.

Bright, whose agency invested a dollars in a cell-based flu vaccine factory in Holly Springs, North Carolina, said there's “no way in hell we can fight an H5N1 pandemic with an egg-based vaccine.” But for now, there's little choice.

BARDA has stockpiled hundreds of thousands of doses of an H5N1-strain vaccine that stimulates the creation of antibodies that appear to neutralize the virus now circulating. It could produce millions more doses of the vaccine within weeks and up to 100 million doses in five months, Boucher told KFF Health News.

But the vaccines currently in the national stockpile are not a perfect match for the strain in question. Even with two shots containing six times as much vaccine substance as typical flu shots, the stockpiled vaccines were only partly effective against strains of the virus that circulated when those vaccines were made, Adalja said.


However, BARDA is currently supporting two clinical trials with a candidate vaccine virus that “is a good match for what we've found in cows,” Boucher said.

Flu vaccine makers are just starting to prepare this fall's shots but, eventually, the federal government could request production be switched to a pandemic-targeted strain.

“We don't have the capacity to do both,” Adalja said.

For now, ASPR has a stockpile of bulk pandemic vaccine and has identified manufacturing sites where 4.8 million doses could be bottled and finished without stopping production of seasonal flu vaccine, ASPR chief Dawn O'Connell said on May 22. U.S. began to diversify away from egg-based vaccines in 2005, when avian flu first gripped the world, and with added vigor after the 2009 fiasco. But “with the resources we have available, we get the best bang for our buck and best value to U.S. taxpayers when we leverage the seasonal , and that's still mostly egg-based,” Boucher said.


Flu vaccine companies “have a system that works well right now to accomplish their objectives in manufacturing the seasonal vaccine,” he said. And without a financial incentive, “we are going to be here with eggs for a while, I think.”

By: Arthur Allen
Title: The Chicken and Egg Problem of Fighting Another Flu Pandemic
Sourced From: kffhealthnews.org/news/article/bird-flu-potential-pandemic-vaccine-chicken-egg-quandary/
Published Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

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Kaiser Health News

After Grilling an NIH Scientist Over Covid Emails, Congress Turns to Anthony Fauci



David Hilzenrath
Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Former National Institutes of official Anthony Fauci has faced many hostile questions from members of Congress, but when he appears before a House panel on Monday, he'll have something new to answer for: a trove of incendiary emails written by one of his closest advisers.

In the emails, David Morens, a career federal scientist now on administrative leave, described deleting messages and using a personal email account to evade disclosure of correspondence under the Freedom of Information Act.

“i learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after i am foia'd but before the search starts, so i think we are all safe,” Morens wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021, email. “Plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail.”


The pressure is on as Fauci himself prepares to appear June 3 before a House subcommittee exploring the origins of . The NIH, a $49 agency that is the foremost source of funding in the world for biomedical research, finds itself under unusual bipartisan scrutiny. The subcommittee has demanded more outside oversight of NIH and its 50,000 grants and raised the idea of term limits for like Fauci, who led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an NIH component, from 1984 to 2022.

Lawmakers are likely to put Fauci on the spot about Morens' emails at a time when are questioning NIH's credibility and integrity. Even Democrats have cautioned the agency's leaders.

“When people don't trust scientists, they don't trust the science,” Rep. Deborah Ross (D-N.C.) told Morens.

The subcommittee has yet to turn up evidence implicating the NIH or U.S. scientists in the pandemic's beginnings in Wuhan, China. Nor has its work shed light on the origin of the virus.


But in a May 28 letter to NIH Director Monica Bertagnolli, the subcommittee's chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), said the evidence “suggests a conspiracy at the highest levels of NIH and NIAID to avoid public transparency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Rep. Jill Tokuda, a subcommittee Democrat from Hawaii, said the evidence shows no such conspiracy. She predicted the bipartisan criticism of Morens, 76, will give way to “a clash of intentions” at the hearing as Republicans try to pin covid on Fauci.

“For them, I think this is their moment to, again, bring a lot of these baseless, false allegations to the front,” Tokuda said.

On May 29, Wenstrup asked Fauci to turn over personal e-mails ahead of his testimony.


Here are things to know as the subcommittee gears up for Fauci's appearance.

What Is the Subcommittee Looking For?

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is supposed to be investigating how the pandemic started and the federal government's response. That includes such hot-button issues as vaccination policies and school closures.

A central question is whether the covid virus leaped from animals to humans at a market in Wuhan, China, or spread from a leak at the nearby Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Wuhan lab received funding from an NIH grant recipient called EcoHealth Alliance.


The congressional probe is in some ways an extension of the nation's political, cultural, and scientific battles arising from the pandemic.

The Republican-led subcommittee has been examining NIH's performance and that of Fauci, who advised both former and , becoming the face of many of the government's most polarizing pandemic policies.

The panel called for the government to cut off EcoHealth's funding, a process the Department of Health and Human Services recently initiated.

EcoHealth's president, Peter Daszak, was Morens' friend and the recipient of many of the emails under scrutiny. A wildlife biologist credited with helping to develop the first covid antiviral drug, remdesivir, Daszak said he and his organization did nothing wrong.


“We were so accurate in our predictions that a bat coronavirus would emerge from China and cause a pandemic, that when it did, we're dragged in front of the crowd with their pitchforks and blamed for it,” Daszak said in an interview.

What's at Stake for NIH?

The Republican-led subcommittee is challenging NIH's credibility. The agency performs and funds a wide variety of medical and scientific research, work that is often the foundation of new medicines and other treatments, and has long enjoyed bipartisan from Congress. The agency is home to the “Cancer Moonshot,” a Biden priority.

As head of NIAID and a presidential adviser, Fauci helped guide the public during the pandemic on measures to avoid infection, such as mask-wearing and maintaining physical distance.


But at a May 22 hearing, Wenstrup said Fauci's NIAID “was, unfortunately, less pristine than so many, including the , would have had us all believe.”

In his letter to Bertagnolli, Wenstrup said there was evidence that a former chief of staff of Fauci's might have used intentional misspellings — such as a variant of “EcoHealth” — to prevent emails from being captured in keyword searches by FOIA officials.

Wenstrup's office did not respond to questions or an interview request.

An aide to the top Democrat on the subcommittee, Rep. Raul Ruiz of California, said he was unavailable for an interview.


Why Were Morens' Emails Alarming?

The emails show a pattern of trying to shield communications from public disclosure.

“We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn't put them in emails, and if we found them we'd delete them,” Morens wrote on June 16, 2020.

“The best way to avoid FOIA hassles is to delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive,” he wrote on June 28, 2021.


Some of Morens' emails included sexual or sexist remarks, including one from December 2020: “Beverage is always good, and best delivered by a blonde nymphomaniac.” In another email, discussing how former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky got her job, he remarked, “Well, she does wear a skirt.”

Morens apologized at the May 22 hearing and called some of what he wrote “misogynistic.”

“Some of the emails I've seen that you all have provided look pretty incriminating,” he testified.

Asked if he ever sent information related to covid to Fauci's personal email, he said he didn't remember but might have.


Morens said some of his comments were “snarky jokes” intended to cheer up his friend Daszak, the EcoHealth president, who was receiving death threats over media coverage of his organization's relationship with the Wuhan lab.

Morens testified that he didn't knowingly delete official records.

Ross, the North Carolina representative, said the emails “inflict serious damage on public trust for the entire scientific enterprise.” She said the dangers can be seen in eroding public confidence in vaccines, contributing to recent outbreaks of measles.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) said Morens showed disdain for the Freedom of Information Act. The subcommittee's investigation has been an unfounded effort to pin the blame for the pandemic on NIH and NIAID, and Morens' emails have helped blur the issues, she said.


Do the Emails Reveal the Origins of Covid?

No, as Democrats have emphasized.

In a way, Morens' correspondence undercuts allegations that people at the top of NIAID covered up a lab leak in Wuhan.

None of Morens' emails describe any effort to suppress evidence of a lab leak and, in an email sent from a private account, he ridiculed the idea, calling it “false to the point of being crazy.” But the subcommittee's senior Democrat, Ruiz, criticized Morens for dismissing the lab leak theory.


“Unless and until we see specific evidence on the origins” of the virus that causes covid, “the scientific process requires that we examine all possible hypotheses with objectivity,” Ruiz said.

KFF Health News senior correspondent Arthur Allen contributed to this .

By: David Hilzenrath
Title: After Grilling an NIH Scientist Over Covid Emails, Congress Turns to Anthony Fauci
Sourced From: kffhealthnews.org/news/article/nih-scientist-covid-emails-congress-anthony-fauci-hearing/
Published Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:00 +0000

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KFF Health News’ ‘What the Health?’: Waiting for SCOTUS



Thu, 30 May 2024 18:45:00 +0000

The Host

Julie Rovner


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Julie Rovner is chief Washington correspondent and host of KFF Health News' weekly health policy news , “What the Health?” A noted expert on health policy issues, Julie is the author of the critically praised reference book “ Politics and Policy A to Z,” now in its third edition.

June means it's time for the Supreme Court to render rulings on the biggest and most controversial cases of the term. This year, the court has two significant abortion-related cases: one involving the abortion pill mifepristone and the other regarding the conflict between a federal emergency care and Idaho's near-total abortion ban.

Also awaiting resolution is a case that could dramatically change how the federal makes health care (and all other types of) policies by potentially limiting agencies' authority in interpreting the details of laws through regulations. Rules stemming from the Affordable Care Act and other legislation could be affected.

In this special episode of “What the Health?”, Laurie Sobel, an associate director for women's health policy at KFF, joins host Julie Rovner for a refresher on the cases, and a preview of how the justices might rule on them. 


The cases highlighted in this episode:

Previous “What the Health?” coverage of these cases:

Where to find Supreme Court opinions as they are announced:


Francis Ying
Audio producer

Rebecca Adams

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Title: KFF Health News' ‘What the Health?': Waiting for SCOTUS
Sourced From: kffhealthnews.org/news/podcast/what-the-health-349-supreme-court-abortion-cases-may-30-2024/
Published Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 18:45:00 +0000

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