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New chapel dedicated at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility 



www..fm – Caleb Salers – 2023-06-15 15:39:45

SUMMARY: A new chapel has been dedicated at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility, with Ruth Graham, daughter of Pastor Billy Graham, giving the keynote speech. The chapel is intended to be a symbol of hope for and promote moral rehabilitation for inmates. The Mississippi Department of Corrections plans to add nine more chapels in prisons across the , hoping to reduce recidivism rates and decrease in with high gang activity.

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SuperTalk FM

Sweeping broadband expansion coming to 19 Mississippi counties



www.supertalk.fm – Ben Milam – 2024-06-18 10:54:15

SUMMARY: Mississippi is investing over $70 million to expand broadband to 27,000 households statewide. Governor Tate Reeves announced that the Office of Broadband Expansion and Accessibility (BEAM) has approved 24 projects funded by the Capital Projects Fund (CPF), with more expected. The projects are part of a broader initiative, $32 million from the Broadband Program (BIP) and potential access to $1.2 from the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grant. The CPF projects must be completed by December 2026. Service providers include Uplink LLC, Comcast, AT&T, and others across various counties. More details are available at broadbandms.com.

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SuperTalk FM

RFK Jr.’s campaign claims he’s gained ballot access in Mississippi; secretary of state’s office says he hasn’t



www.supertalk.fm – J.T. Mitchell – 2024-06-18 10:38:04

SUMMARY: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s “We The People” party claimed it had gained ballot access in Mississippi for the upcoming November presidential election. However, the Mississippi Secretary of 's Office contradicted that statement, asserting that the party has not filed the necessary paperwork, despite multiple reminders. The spokesperson emphasized that the final deadline to submit the required documents is September 6. Kennedy, originally a Democratic candidate, is now pursuing the presidency as a third-party candidate. His campaign developed “We The People” and another group to bypass traditional candidacy requirements. Updates on the situation will be provided as they become available.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lands on Mississippi ballot as part of ‘We The People’ party



www.supertalk.fm – J.T. Mitchell – 2024-06-17 20:21:54

SUMMARY: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has established the “We The People” party in Mississippi to get on the presidential ballot with fewer signatures than required for an independent candidate. The Mississippi Secretary of approved the paperwork, with Kennedy and Nicole Shanahan set to be nominated. The party aims to facilitate Kennedy's ballot access while avoiding high signature costs. The Kennedy-Shanahan ticket is now on the ballot in nine states and has enough signatures for 14 more. Despite this unconventional approach and limited campaign visibility, Kennedy aims to appear on every state ballot for the November 5th general election.

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