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Local News Video

State of the Coast Symposium at Beau Rivage



www.youtube.com – 25 – 2024-05-23 07:32:50

SUMMARY: South and political met at the of the Coast Symposium to discuss the new generation entering the workforce. The highlighted the importance of retaining talent and attracting new people to the area. Keynote speaker Cam Maron emphasized that understanding generational differences and parenting trends is crucial for effective communication and workplace engagement, especially for those under 35. He advised focusing on compliments, recognizing effort, and outlining clear career paths. The symposium also celebrated local leaders with the Rising Tide Award and noted the area's economic growth. Maron stressed that the hybrid workplace model is here to stay.


Local News Video

6/14 – Sam's Parker's “Toasty Into The Weekend” Friday Forecast



www.youtube.com – 25 – 2024-06-14 14:50:40

SUMMARY: It's Friday, and temperatures across Southern Mississippi are hot and breezy. hits 93°F, with real feel at 97°F due to lower humidity levels around 40%. Expect clear skies this afternoon and a low of 75°F tonight as humidity increases. Saturday is ideal for outdoor activities with clear skies, but by Sunday afternoon, rain showers and thunderstorms are expected, dropping highs closer to the seasonal average. Currently, high pressure is keeping the area dry, but a frontal boundary will shift conditions over the . Looking ahead to next , temperatures will drop into the 80s with continued thunderstorms.


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Local News Video

6/14 – The Chief's “Getting HOTTER Into The Weekend” Friday Morning Forecast



www.youtube.com – 25 – 2024-06-14 09:05:48

SUMMARY: Good morning! Welcome to your Weather Authority, sponsored by The People's Bank. This Friday morning is lovely with plenty of sunshine and clear skies as we head into Father's Day . The current temperature is around 75°F in places like and , with relative humidity around 88-90%. The calls for mostly clear skies , highs reaching up to 93°F, feeling like 103°F. Stay hydrated and take breaks. Winds are from the Northeast at 5-10 mph, shifting to a humid flow by evening. For the weekend, expect mid-90s temperatures, a for showers on Sunday, and increasing rain early next .


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Local News Video

Moss Point Community Development Meeting



www.youtube.com – 25 – 2024-06-14 09:04:54

SUMMARY: , Mississippi, held a community meeting at Hall to discuss upcoming improvement projects for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The meeting, organized by the Community Department, aimed to gather public input on how to allocate over $100,000 in development funds. Topics included economic development, public services, affordable housing, and community resilience to disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. The city follows a five-year plan and values community feedback for specific activities. can find more information on these efforts on 's website. from Moss Point, Ethan Krauss, WXXV 25.

Moss Point Community Development Meeting


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